Hello there!
Welcome to my corner of the Internet! I’m Daphne⭐ (pronounced “Daphne Star”), and this page is the hub for all of my creative efforts. It’s updated sporadically, typically as projects reach major milestones, but sometimes just because I have something to say. Please have a look around!
Featured Projects
One Day At A Time
One Day At A Time is a new slice-of-life series I’m starting in order to help process the world and make a place outside of my own head for some of my thoughts to live. It’s intended to be relatively low effort, but so was Family of Me originally, so we’ll see how it goes.…
Genderpunk 2077
Welcome to Sidereal City, where your gender determines your path in life. Which of the twelve genders might you be sorted into—perhaps you’d be a hard-nosed Leo, or a mercurial Libra? Or would you slip through cracks in the system and end up ungendered, lacking the licenses necessary to participate in everyday life? Follow the…
Family of Me
Family of Me is a serial fiction about a middle aged trans woman reconciling with her past through a series of conversations with her inner children. By confronting what she did and who she used to be, she hopes to build peace and purpose for herself. It’s an ongoing, autobiographical account of Daphne⭐’s life and…
~ Looking for another project? Find the full list here! ~
A Little Bit About Me
Eventually I’ll have a little bit more to say about myself here, and maybe even a picture that isn’t just my star logo. For now, the best way to learn more about me is to look at my Mastodon profile.

From The Blog
Memoria Demo Released!
Hello Starlings! In addition to writing, I’ve been a hobbyist game developer on and off for ages. Now that I’ve poured my free time into a particular project for a couple of months, I’m excited to announce it publicly! It’s a JRPG about unearthing your past and changing, made in RPG Maker MV with stock…
Weighted Blanket
Weighted Blanket(a poem, I suppose) I dredge up the ruins of my own past and sift through its remains quite often nowadays. Where once I feared drowning in those emotional waters, now I swim through them as if I were born and raised in them. In a way, I suppose I was. Still, there’s much…
I Passed A Girl
I Passed A Girl(a poem, I suppose) I passed a high school girl on the sidewalk as I was walking today. I glanced at her a couple of times as I walked by; curious, gently probing looks. She was pretty in the way youth is pretty, and she didn’t glance back at me, but she…
The Elephant In The Room
Hello Starlings! I haven’t updated in a while, have I? Last December I posted about the first draft of a new short story, and there hasn’t been much content here since, save a Trans Day of Visibility poem. Most of my creative energy has been going to my serial fiction Family of Me, which you…
Late Entry
Late Entrya poem for Trans Day of Visibility(dedicated to those of us who have to live in the shadows) Hi. I’m Daphne. I’m sorry… I’m not very good at this. I know that in a sense this is what I do, thisstringing words togetherbut I’m not really a poet. My medium is prose — speculative…
Family Of Me is moving!
Hello Starlings! A quick note to let you all know that Family of Me scene 16 will be the last one posted to this blog. Not to worry though, the series isn’t going away! It can be found at its new home https://familyofme.com and will continue updating every Monday and Friday. The archives are already…
New Aquarius: Short Story In Progress
Hello Starlings! Remember that sci-fi short story I mentioned I was working on? The first draft is now finished, which means the project actually feels real and I can write about it! I’m hoping to wrap it up by the end of the year, but who knows how realistic that is. As with WitchNet, I…
Dear Starlings, Writing can be frustrating. A couple of days ago I started brainstorming story ideas because I wanted to post something before the end of the month. I want to post something every month here—I didn’t mention that, did I? That’s a thing I’m trying to do here. As I’m bouncing some ideas around,…
My First Halloween
Starlings, I dressed up for Halloween for the first time this year. Well, not the first first time, but the first time as a woman. It wasn’t even my first time wearing a dress as part of a costume, but it’s different when you present feminine full-time. Before transition, wearing a dress was the focal…
Hello Starlings!
Hi there! Since publishing my novella, I’ve been working on building up my online presence, filling in the gaps I left as I focused on my writing. One of those gaps has been coming up with a good opener for my blog posts and profile, which by extension meant coming up with a way to…