Hello there!
Welcome to my corner of the Internet! I’m Daphne⭐ (pronounced “Daphne Star”), and this page is the hub for all of my creative efforts. It’s updated sporadically, typically as projects reach major milestones, but sometimes just because I have something to say. Please have a look around!
Featured Projects
One Day At A Time
One Day At A Time is a new slice-of-life series I’m starting in order to help process the world and make a place outside of my own head for some of my thoughts to live. It’s intended to be relatively low effort, but so was Family of Me originally, so we’ll see how it goes.…
Genderpunk 2077
Welcome to Sidereal City, where your gender determines your path in life. Which of the twelve genders might you be sorted into—perhaps you’d be a hard-nosed Leo, or a mercurial Libra? Or would you slip through cracks in the system and end up ungendered, lacking the licenses necessary to participate in everyday life? Follow the…
Family of Me
Family of Me is a serial fiction about a middle aged trans woman reconciling with her past through a series of conversations with her inner children. By confronting what she did and who she used to be, she hopes to build peace and purpose for herself. It’s an ongoing, autobiographical account of Daphne⭐’s life and…
~ Looking for another project? Find the full list here! ~
A Little Bit About Me
Eventually I’ll have a little bit more to say about myself here, and maybe even a picture that isn’t just my star logo. For now, the best way to learn more about me is to look at my Mastodon profile.

From The Blog
WitchNet: Available Now!
Hello, Starlings! The day I’ve been working towards for months has finally arrived: WitchNet has been released to the public! It’s available exclusively on itch.io, and there are two editions: a free edition and a paid edition. The two editions are the same story! The paid edition only exists in case a reader feels a…
WitchNet: Coming Soon!
It’s done! All the words in WitchNet have been written. The last stage before I release it is typesetting, where I’ll take all of those words and make sure they’re readable on your phone. I don’t have much experience with typesetting, so this stage might take me some time. In the meantime, here’s a sneak…
WitchNet: A Work In Progress
Hey Starlings! I’ve been working on a novella for a couple of months now and it’s getting close to release! You could say it’s the reason I started this site. It’s called WitchNet, it heavily features witches and gender, and I hope you give it a read once it’s published. In the meantime, please enjoy…
Hi, I’m Daphne⭐!
Hello, Starlings! I’m Daphne⭐ (pronounced “Daphne Star”) and my pronouns are she/they. Welcome to my edge of the Internet! I’m a trans woman who spends most of her day in front of a computer — Programming by day, dabbling in writing and game development by night. It’s exhilarating to see myself in the art around…